In any sport, it’s important to keep yourself in shape and practice no matter what. And if you can’t get to the gym, you may have to take your routine to the living room.
So, where do you start? It’s much easier practicing when you have a coach or trainer working by your side, telling you exactly what you should be doing. When that is not possible, practicing drills from home is the next best thing.
In this article, you will find ten solo boxing drills you can do from home to keep your boxing training momentum going and help you build your skills and technique for your next match.
10 Boxing Drills You Can Do From Home
When shadow boxing and practicing your skills from home, you must keep an eye on your technique and positioning. In the gym, you have a trainer or coach to tell you where you are going wrong. At home, it’s up to you to make sure you are staying safe and performing each movement correctly.
1. Step and Jab
Keeping it basic can still help you get the practice you need to keep your game tight. Step and jab is a great drill for skill improvement or beginners.
- Get into beginner stance.
- Take a step forward as you are simultaneously jabbing your fist forward.
- Use the same side fist as the foot you are stepping with (step with the right, punch with the right).
- Keep your opposite elbow bent, fist up, and in front of your face.
- Return to original stance.
2. Jab Jab Cross
Combining straight punches like the jab cross can be a little confusing at first, but once you get a pattern set, it will be easy and will provide a great warm-up to your routine.
- Get into a basic boxing stance.
- Jab with the left.
- Jab with the left.
- Cross with the right.
- Never let your feet off the ground during these moves. The front foot stays in place flat on the floor, your back foot heel should lift off the ground (toes stay down), and during each push, rotate on the ball of your foot, flexing your hips forward. Returning to beginners stance after each punch before the next.
3. Bob and Weave
Practicing punches are great; however, it is also important to keep up on your boxing techniques and agility. Practicing your defense is just as important as anything else.
- Pretending someone is punching at you, crouch down with both knees, only bending your knees, not your hips.
- Use your head as a guide and weave to your left without fully standing and knees bent move to the right.
- Your head will make the “U” shape in the air.
- Keep your fist up in a boxing stance position, always keeping your face and head protected.
4. Hook and Cross
A lead hook and cross drill is a great punch combination to practice the element of surprise on an opponent, hooking them with your non-dominant hand then surprising them with a strong cross with the dominant hand.
- Start in a good boxing stance.
- Rotate on the ball of your front foot and swing your front fist elbow bent at a 90-degree angle.
- Keep the opposite arm up, protecting your face.
- As you transfer back into the boxer stance, swiftly adjust your weight and swivel on the ball of the back foot. Punch across the front of your body with the same side fist.
- After you hook, keep the fist up in front of your face as you move back into the cross.
5. Jump Rope Footwork (Boxer Steps)

Training with a jump rope is a popular tactic used by boxers all the time. It’s great for agility, aerobic workout out, and balance. Using a jump rope while you are practicing your footwork can help you stay flexible and hopefully avoidable.
- Grab a jump rope and get warmed up
- As you are jumping, start with your feet a few inches apart and one foot a few inches in front of the other.
- As you jump, only lift an inch or so off the ground.
- Get rid of the jumping rope.
- Try doing these same steps without the rope. Keep your feet from lifting from the floor, staying on the balls of your feet.
6. Jab Jab Jab
This quick simple straight punch is a good way to help you practice punching while moving, helping you with your coordination and skill.
- Start in a boxing stance.
- As you step forward with your right foot, punch with your right fist. Then, as you step forward, shuffle your feet up, keeping your left hand up blocking your face.
- Bring your right fist back to your face and then immediately punch it out again while simultaneously stepping forward again.
- Repeat this move a third time.
7. Left Right Hook
A simple left-right hook boxing drill is great to give a powerful punch one after the other in the ring. Setting up a proper stance for this sequence is essential, and remember to let the power come from your legs.
- Get into boxing stance.
- Keep your front fist up in front of your face while your back fist is angled at 90 degrees, punching from the right.
- Your back leg will pivot on the toe, rotating your right hip forward with the punch.
- In the same movement, keep the punching fist in front of your face and your heel down. Swivel on the ball of your back foot as you punch from the left. The momentum from the right and left leg is what generates power.
8. Head Movement Drill (Slip)
To avoid bloody noses, broken teeth, and any other head or neck injury as much as possible, you need to stay on top of your head during movement drills. You will move quickly enough and precisely enough to duck your opponent’s punches.
- In a boxing stance, get yourself in a position like you are about to avoid an oncoming punch.
- Slightly crunch from the side of your abdomen, rotating your right shoulder towards your left knee.
- Make sure to only crutch a few inches. Going too far down can take a long time, putting you in a position for a counter hit.
- Now slightly crunch to the other side (left shoulder to right knee).
- Repeat this multiple times throughout your routine.
9. Boxing Step

While you may not be able to get onto the mats, you can still practice your steps and boxer’s walk to keep your coordination and strong stance while you move around the ring. Knowing where you are going to go before you even get in the ring can be a great advantage.
- Start in a boxing stance, never bringing your fist down from your face at any time.
- Without closing the gap between your right and left leg, take three small steps backward.
- Pause here for a count of three.
- Again, without closing the gap, take three small steps to the right.
- Pause here for a count of three.
- Repeat this same pattern to the front then to the left.
- By the end of the drill, you will have made a full square.
10. Jab, Uppercut, Hook
This combo is ideal to get used to using different punching techniques during a match and switching things up quickly when needed during a fight.
- Start in a boxer’s stance.
- Jab your lead hand, and at the same time, twist on the ball of your right foot.
- As you bring your lead fist back to the starting position, blocking your face, swiftly lower your right fist down into a 90-degree angle and punch upwards like you are hitting your opponent’s chin. Still only rotating with your hip on the ball of your back foot.
- Now return your right fist to protect your face and use your left to punch with a hook, keeping your elbow at a 90-degree angle.
- Make these movements flow together fluently and swiftly from one strike to the next without pause.
Home Equipment
It’s a good idea to have a few workout products in your home to help you with your workouts. It is possible to get a great workout with no gear at all, but it helps to purchase a few low-cost essentials to push yourself. Here is a list of some items you may want to invest in to keep your training sessions up to par.
- Jump rope – Builds footwork and cardio
- Heavy bag – Builds punching power
- Speedbag – Builds shoulder dexterity and hand coordination
- Floor tape – Great for footwork
- Hand wraps – Protects your hands and wrists from the punching bag
- Boxing gloves – Protects hands from heavy bag
- Wall-mounted Mirror – Helps to keep an eye on your form
It’s hard keeping yourself in shape and keeping your moves perfected when you can’t make it to professional practice. Luckily there are many ways you can still train in the comfort of your own home while maintaining your ability to knock it out in the ring.
Practicing these shadow boxing drills and staying active weekly will improve your performance and keep you on track for becoming an undefeated champion.